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Examination Code of conduct

Instructions Regarding Examination Form:

1. All students are required to fill the examination form for all semesters within the prescribed time.

2. Students are required to take maximum precaution before putting a tick mark for the selection of subjects and selection of options related to Internal / External /Practical exam. (especially for optional and backlog subjects.).

3. Details regarding subjects and add on courses are available under the tab of respective department on college website. Students are required to visit the departmental tab to see that the right courses are ticked.

4. Students are required to pay examination fee in the office during office hours only.

5. A hard copy of examination form should be submitted to the examination department along with a xerox copy of previous year’s marksheet.

6. Form Inward procedure will be completed only when a hard copy is submitted to examination department.

7. Students shall collect hall ticket as per the instructions given by the examination department.

8. Students are required to pay examination fee in the office during office hours only.

9. In case of any query or doubt students should contact examination department immediately.
(Mr. Shivaji Chavan: 9970210153, Mr. Rajesh Marathe: 9284822272)

Instructions Regarding Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

1. Students will be evaluated after every chapter. The evaluation will be based on MCQ tests, assignments, open book tests, presentations or a combination of all of these. Students are required to appear for all such tests and submit all such assignments in time to earn credits.

2. Timetable for internal evaluation will be issued by the respective department and will be displayed under ‘Exam Notices Tab’ of college website

3. Attendance is mandatory for all tests under continuous internal evaluation.

Instructions Regarding Oral / Practical Examination:

1. Timetable for oral/ practical / viva examination will be issued by the respective department and will be displayed under ‘Notice and Announcement Tab’ of college website

2. Students are required to be present for the oral/ practical / viva examination as per the prescribed schedule

3. Students are required to complete journal / practical book/ internship records/project report and get it checked from the respective subject teacher within the prescribed time before such exam.

4. In case if a student remains absent for the practical / oral examination, he will have to appear for re-examination. It will be treated as out of turn exam and such students will have to pay fine for each practical subject as prescribed by the SPPU from time to time.

Instructions Regarding SPPU Theory Examination:

1. Students are required to follow timetable displayed on the SPPU website.

2. Students are required to be present for all theory papers 30 minutes before the examination time.

3. Students should not carry mobile phone or any copy material in the examination hall or in the college premise

4. Students should carry I cards and Hall Tickets at the time of examination

5. Students will not be allowed to enter examination hall after 30 minutes from the scheduled time.

6. Students shall follow all the instructions issued by the SPPU from time to time.