Science And Technology

Establishment / Milestones

  • This department is established in the year 2019.
  • The current strength of this department is 452 students.
  • This department is established in order to give specialize knowledge to students who wish to make their career in Information Technology field.


For First Year: A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent for student belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging to the Reserved Category.

Direct Second Year: Lateral entry to SYBCA any candidate who has passed three year Diploma Course in Computer Engineering/Technology/Information Technology /Electronics /Communication /Electronics Telecommunications/Electronics approved by the DTE, Maharashtra State or Equivalent authority is eligible for admission to direct second year (SYBCA) of this program.


  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.
  • The faculty member provides constant support and every piece of advice to the 

students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


  • To produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle software challenges in industry as well as academia. 
  • To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.
  • To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.
  • To produce entrepreneurs.

IT Resources:


  • C.
  • PHP.
  • Java.
  • Netbeans.
  • WAMP.
  • Oracle 10g.
  • R-Software.

Physical Facilities
1. No. of IT enabled classrooms: 3
2. No. of laboratories: 4
3. Lang Lab (Capacity – 40)
4. T14 Lab (Capacity – 40)
5. S4 Lab (Capacity – 40)
6. Electronic Lab (Capacity – 40)

Kaleidoscope Club

Kaleidoscope club established in 2021-22 for Department of BCA(Science) & MSc(CA). Students Register to work as volunteers of this club to make every event gracefully successful. It helps students to work as a team which is one of the most essential factor to make them future ready. This club helps them to know about themselves, their strengths, and their goals in better manner and also motivates them to serve.

Through this club we motivate them to meet, mix, and collaborate with other students from different backgrounds in a different environment. The aim is to pull out students from their comfort zone and encourage them to find out their hidden skills. Different activities such as Day Celebration, Departmental Competitions Guest Lectures and so on are organized for students to get them identify their hidden talents and engulf multitasking skills required to serve for welfare of the nation.

Batul Parawala: 

  • First prize winner “Quick-Heal Foundation Project”. Received Best Impact and Outreach Award from the Quick Heal Foundation Project Cyber Sikhsha for Cyber Suraksha Project.

Roshni Shimpi: 

  • Selected for West Zone Inter-University Football Woman Tournament. 

F.Y.B.C.A.(Science) Students

  • Secured second prize in Flair Festo Class wise Folk dance Competition, PCCCS.
    • Got Medals in “Quick-Heal Foundation Project”
  • Got Medals for participating in NSS Campaign.
  • Mayur Gholap: Participated in “Ferodiya Karandak 2024” 

S.Y.B.C.A.(Science) Students

  • Secured First Runner up in Flair Festo Class wise Folk dance Competition, PCCCS.
  • Visit to ISRO (Shivam Salunkhe, Sanika Mulik, Samruddhi Patil, Gayatri Devkar, Vasundhara Sul).

T.Y.B.C.A. (Science) Students

  • Visit to ISRO (Arya Gosavi, Vaishnavi Zurale, Vrushali Shah, Bhumi Naidu, Aarti Kadam and Chitra Chake).
  • Girls selected for visit in Barclays Company. 
  • Varsha Mishra, Shivan Nande, Bhakti Pawadshetty and Vaibhav Zodge are Runner-up at D.Y. Patil College in “Saviour Flair Biz Explore Case Study Competition”, got Rs.5000/- cash prize.
  • State or National Level Conference/Seminar/Webinar.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counselling & Mentoring.
  • Guest Lectures series /workshops on recent IT trends related to academics .
  • Sports Day Celebration.
  • Cultural Fest
  • Field and Industry visit
  • Skill Development Trainings.
  • Birth and Death anniversary and Famous day celebrations.
  • Special Attractions : PRAGYAN 1.O and VIGYAAN 2024 ( Different Competitions).

Establishment / Milestones

  • This department is established in the year 2019.
  • The current strength of this department is 452 students.
  • This department is established in order to give specialize knowledge to students who wish to make their career in Information Technology field.



For First Year: A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent for student belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging to the Reserved Category.

Direct Second Year: Lateral entry to SYBCA any candidate who has passed three year Diploma Course in Computer Engineering/Technology/Information Technology /Electronics /Communication /Electronics Telecommunications/Electronics approved by the DTE, Maharashtra State or Equivalent authority is eligible for admission to direct second year (SYBCA) of this program.


  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.
  • The faculty member provides constant support and every piece of advice to the 

students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


  • To produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle software challenges in industry as well as academia. 
  • To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.
  • To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.
  • To produce entrepreneurs.
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students. The faculty member
    provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem
    with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.

IT Resources:


  • C.
  • PHP.
  • Java.
  • Netbeans.
  • WAMP.
  • Oracle 10g.
  • R-Software.

Physical Facilities
1. No. of IT enabled classrooms: 3
2. No. of laboratories: 4
3. Lang Lab (Capacity – 40)
4. T14 Lab (Capacity – 40)
5. S4 Lab (Capacity – 40)
6. Electronic Lab (Capacity – 40)


  • Industrial Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    a. Cotton King
    b. Peppermint
    c. Nanadan Dairy
    d. SusGarments Artisan garments
  • Start up activities
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School
  • Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.
S.NoPhotoName and Qualification of faculty
1Ms.Suvarna GogateB.Sc.(CS), MCA, P.h.D. Perusing 
2Ms. Rutuja ChavanB.Sc., MCA, MCM,  Ph.D Perusing
3Ms. Jayshree KambleB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.),  Ph.D Perusing
4Ms. Varsha ThakareB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.)
5Ms. Nikita BhamareB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.)
6Ms. Gouramma KadadiBCA, MCA
7Ms. Snehal MohiteB.E(Comp Sci)
8Ms. Madhuri GandhiBCA, MCA(Commerce)
9Ms. Priti KarajkhedeBCA, MCA, SET
10Ms. Rashmi PimparkarBCA, M.Sc.(C.S.)
11Ms. Netra ArilikittiB.E.(CS),M.Sc.(C.S.) B.Ed

Kaleidoscope Club

Kaleidoscope club established in 2021-22 for Department of BCA(Science) & MSc(CA). Students Register to work as volunteers of this club to make every event gracefully successful. It helps students to work as a team which is one of the most essential factor to make them future ready. This club helps them to know about themselves, their strengths, and their goals in better manner and
also motivates them to serve.
Through this club we motivate them to meet, mix, and collaborate with other students from different backgrounds in a different environment. The aim is to pull out students from their comfort zone and encourage them to find out their hidden skills. Different activities such as Day Celebration, Departmental Competitions Guest Lectures and so on are organized for students to get them identify their hidden talents and engulf multitasking skills required to serve for welfare of the nation.

Faculty Achievement:

Ms. Rutuja S. Chavan 

  • Ph.D. Registration. 
  • Received Best Teacher award by NIEM.
  • Successfully completed one week FDP on “Pythonic Insights: Unravelling Data Science and Machine Learning Magic”.
  • Two days National workshop on Implementation of National Educational Policy -2020:  Industry Institute Linkage

Mrs. Varsha Thakare

  • Two Research Paper presented & published titled
    Paper1-“ Review paper Object-Oriented Programming Unveiled: Features, Advantages, and In-Depth Analysis of Constructors and Destructors in the Evolving Software Landscape””
    Paper2-“Enhancing Product Recommendation Efficiency through Association Rule Mining in the Era of Data-Driven Electronics”
    At Two days National Conference on “Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs): Technology & Management” Organised by D.Y. Patil Institute of MCA& Management , Akurdi in Association with Indian Society for Technical Education from 15/02/2024 to 16/02/2024
  • Three days FDP on “ChatGPT 8/1/2024 to 10/1/2024
  • Successfully completed one week FDP on “HANDS ON WRITING AND PUBLISHING RESEARCH PAPERS FOR REPUTED JOURNALS”.23 rd to 30th December2023

Mrs. Nikita Bhamare

  • Two Research Paper presented & published titled
    Paper1-“ Review paper Object-Oriented Programming Unveiled: Features, Advantages, and In-Depth Analysis of Constructors and Destructors in the Evolving Software Landscape””
    Paper2-“Enhancing Product Recommendation Efficiency through Association Rule Mining in the Era of Data-Driven Electronics”
    At Two days National Conference on “Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs): Technology & Management” Organised by D.Y. Patil Institute of MCA& Management , Akurdi in Association with Indian Society for Technical Education from 15/02/2024 to 16/02/2024
  • Three days FDP on “ChatGPT 8/1/2024 to 10/1/2024
  • Successfully completed one week FDP on “HANDS ON WRITING AND PUBLISHING RESEARCH PAPERS FOR REPUTED JOURNALS”.23 rd to 30th December2023

Mrs. Snehal Mohite

  • Three days FDP on “ChatGPT 8/1/2024 to 10/1/2024
  • Successfully completed one week FDP on “HANDS ON WRITING AND PUBLISHING RESEARCH PAPERS FOR REPUTED JOURNALS”.23 rd to 30th December2023

Mrs. Gouramma Kadadi

  • On-going a NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) Organized by UGC – MMTTC, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

Mrs. Netra Aralikatti.

  • Successfully Completed Data Analyst Couse(Tools-Microsoft Power BI)

Ms. Rashmi J.Pimparkar

  • Successfully completed one week FDP on “HANDS ON WRITING AND PUBLISHING RESEARCH PAPERS FOR REPUTED JOURNALS”. 23 rd to 30th December2023.
  • 30 Hours online course for Microsoft Azure -AZ-104- Certification.
  • Three days FDP on “ChatGPT”  8/1/2024 to 10/1/2024


Department of B.C.A. (Science) and MSc(CA)

Programme Coordinator: Mrs. Suvarna Gogate

Students Achievements:

Batul Parawala: 

  • First prize winner “Quick-Heal Foundation Project”. Received Best Impact and Outreach Award from the Quick Heal Foundation Project Cyber Sikhsha for Cyber Suraksha Project.

Roshni Shimpi: 

  • Selected for West Zone Inter-University Football Woman Tournament. 

F.Y.B.C.A.(Science) Students

  • Secured second prize in Flair Festo Class wise Folk dance Competition, PCCCS.
    • Got Medals in “Quick-Heal Foundation Project”
  • Got Medals for participating in NSS Campaign.
  • Mayur Gholap: Participated in “Ferodiya Karandak 2024” 

S.Y.B.C.A.(Science) Students

  • Secured First Runner up in Flair Festo Class wise Folk dance Competition, PCCCS.
  • Visit to ISRO (Shivam Salunkhe, Sanika Mulik, Samruddhi Patil, Gayatri Devkar, Vasundhara Sul).

T.Y.B.C.A. (Science) Students

  • Visit to ISRO (Arya Gosavi, Vaishnavi Zurale, Vrushali Shah, Bhumi Naidu, Aarti Kadam and Chitra Chake).
  • Girls selected for visit in Barclays Company. 
  • Varsha Mishra, Shivan Nande, Bhakti Pawadshetty and Vaibhav Zodge are Runner-up at D.Y. Patil College in “Saviour Flair Biz Explore Case Study Competition”, got Rs.5000/- cash prize

A Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree is offered across a range of subjects. It focuses on science and technical based subjects. The Science Faculty’s undergraduate curriculum is organized according to key disciplines, viz. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics, Botany, Zoology and Environmental Science.

The course is taught by the faculty members to ensure the exposure of the students to the latest research, monitoring skills, and techniques in their respective fields.

In 2016 B.Sc. (regular) Department was established with 19 students and currently around 150 students are part of our department. This department was created with specific objectives of developing skills, aptitude and awareness amongst the students with basic knowledge of sciences. The present program will develop scientific attitude and ability to think independently and take rational and appropriate decisions at various levels of logical thinking. It also aims to develop knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower the youth in future applicable society.

Objectives of the Program-
This BSc or Bachelor of Science program is an undergraduate degree of three years duration. This program will nurture for scientific aptitude and passion for research-oriented and calculative approaches based on a proven systematic method. Basically this Science stream is all about experimentation, research and discovery, is a culmination of both theoretical and practical ways of education learning.
1. To promote & encourage scientific inquiry based high quality science education.
2. To disseminate knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower the students.
3. To stress the importance of critical thinking and logical reasoning using various methods of investigation, such as observation, comparison, experimentation, and mathematical manipulation of data.
4. To be committed to the concept that science has a practical application so that students are able to view science as an interdisciplinary study applicable to society.

 Induction Programme for Fresher’s
 Industry and Excursion Tours
 Industry-Academia Extension Lectures
 Ph.D. /NET/SET qualified and approved faculty members with corporate exposure
 Placement of Students with top companies
 Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on
 State Level Seminars and Workshop are organised
 Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms
 Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts to update the current trend
 Start-up are encouraged for students to get the practical exposure.
 Student mentoring system
 Earn and Learn scheme
 Experience shared by alumni’s and industrialists.
 Alumni provide Experiment based training and hands-on training.
 Various Departmental activities like
 National Level Model making Competition Sci-Fest, Group discussion, Online Quiz Competition, Oral Presentation Competition, Poster Making Competition, Quiz competitions, Sci-ExActa-Science Stories/Act/Movie Making, Birth anniversary celebration and Guest lectures are taken.
 Remedial lectures are conducted.
 Science Association club is established to nurture the student’s talent and creativity.

 Separate classrooms for each class and for optional subjects.
 Classrooms are well equipped with smart board and projectors.
 Well-equipped labs for Physics, Chemistry, Botany & EVS.
 Computer Labs with projectors & required software’s are available for Mathematics & Statistics Practical.
 A separate cabin for head of the department and a common staff room.
 Computers and laptops are available for teachers.
 Printer is available in the department.
 Departmental library with more than 200 plus books

1. Science Association
2. RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
3. Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
4. Learning through Statistical games
5. Listing of plant species in Campus
6. Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
 “Baramati –Industrial Visit to Peppermint textile park, KVK ” Visited on 16 December 2022.
 “Malavali Field Visit” visited on 17 August 2022.
 “Baramati –Industrial Visit to Peppermint textile park, KVK ” visited on 16 December 2022.
 Visited “Solid Waste Management ,Waste water process & Recycling Expo-” on 21st January 2023.
 On the occasion of National Science day, the excursion study visit of B.Sc. students to the research institutes like “IISER, NCL and various departments (Botany, Physics) of SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune” to gain practical knowledge through the science exhibition on 28th February 2023.
 Social Responsibility Activity with VatsalyaMatimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Name of the FacultyDesignationQualificationExperiencePhoto
Dr. Jayashree Muley IQAC Director M.Sc. (Statistics) Ph.D., M.B.A. Finance, Post
Graduate Diploma in
Computer Science
22 years
Dr. Rajeshree Nanaware Program Coordinator M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed., SET, Ph.D15 Years
Dr. Surekha Jogdand Assistant Professor M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.12 years
Dr. Nisha Choudhari Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D7 years#
Dr. Yogesh Jorapur Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D., Postdoc (Japan, S. Korea)
2 yrs. Piramal Discovery
Pharma; 8 yrs Postdoc. Japan/S.
Korea; 2 yrs PG & 6 yrs UG teaching
Dr. Seema Barge Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.5 years
Mrs. Ragini Chavan Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics), Ph.D.(Perusing)11 years
Suruchi S. Somwanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics), M.Sc.(Mathematics),11 years
Dr. Priti Kolhe Assistant ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D.(Environmental Science) 11 years
Mr. Suklal Kumbhar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics),SET10 years
Mr. Rokey Lopes Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics) 4 years
Mrs.Amola Jeure Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Mathematics),B.Ed., SET,5 years
Mrs. Asmita Shrikant Sutar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Statistics) B.Ed. 7 years
Mrs. Shraddha Bhilare Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed.7 years

Mrs.Vishakha Kshirsagar
Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Mathematics),B.Ed. 3 years

A Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree is offered across a range of subjects. It focuses on science and technical based subjects. The Science Faculty’s undergraduate curriculum is organized according to key disciplines, viz. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics, Botany, Zoology and Environmental Science.

The course is taught by the faculty members to ensure the exposure of the students to the latest research, monitoring skills, and techniques in their respective fields.

In 2016 B.Sc. (regular) Department was established with 19 students and currently around 150 students are part of our department. This department was created with specific objectives of developing skills, aptitude and awareness amongst the students with basic knowledge of sciences. The present program will develop scientific attitude and ability to think independently and take rational and appropriate decisions at various levels of logical thinking. It also aims to develop knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower the youth in future applicable society.

Objectives of the Program-
This BSc or Bachelor of Science program is an undergraduate degree of three years duration. This program will nurture for scientific aptitude and passion for research-oriented and calculative approaches based on a proven systematic method. Basically this Science stream is all about experimentation, research and discovery, is a culmination of both theoretical and practical ways of education learning.
1. To promote & encourage scientific inquiry based high quality science education.
2. To disseminate knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower the students.
3. To stress the importance of critical thinking and logical reasoning using various methods of investigation, such as observation, comparison, experimentation, and mathematical manipulation of data.
4. To be committed to the concept that science has a practical application so that students are able to view science as an interdisciplinary study applicable to society.

 Induction Programme for Fresher’s
 Industry and Excursion Tours
 Industry-Academia Extension Lectures
 Ph.D. /NET/SET qualified and approved faculty members with corporate exposure
 Placement of Students with top companies
 Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on
 State Level Seminars and Workshop are organised
 Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms
 Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts to update the current trend
 Start-up are encouraged for students to get the practical exposure.
 Student mentoring system
 Earn and Learn scheme
 Experience shared by alumni’s and industrialists.
 Alumni provide Experiment based training and hands-on training.
 Various Departmental activities like
 National Level Model making Competition Sci-Fest, Group discussion, Online Quiz Competition, Oral Presentation Competition, Poster Making Competition, Quiz competitions, Sci-ExActa-Science Stories/Act/Movie Making, Birth anniversary celebration and Guest lectures are taken.
 Remedial lectures are conducted.
 Science Association club is established to nurture the student’s talent and creativity.

 Separate classrooms for each class and for optional subjects.
 Classrooms are well equipped with smart board and projectors.
 Well-equipped labs for Physics, Chemistry, Botany & EVS.
 Computer Labs with projectors & required software’s are available for Mathematics & Statistics Practical.
 A separate cabin for head of the department and a common staff room.
 Computers and laptops are available for teachers.
 Printer is available in the department.
 Departmental library with more than 200 plus books

1. Science Association
2. RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
3. Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
4. Learning through Statistical games
5. Listing of plant species in Campus
6. Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
 “Baramati –Industrial Visit to Peppermint textile park, KVK ” Visited on 16 December 2022.
 “Malavali Field Visit” visited on 17 August 2022.
 “Baramati –Industrial Visit to Peppermint textile park, KVK ” visited on 16 December 2022.
 Visited “Solid Waste Management ,Waste water process & Recycling Expo-” on 21st January 2023.
 On the occasion of National Science day, the excursion study visit of B.Sc. students to the research institutes like “IISER, NCL and various departments (Botany, Physics) of SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune” to gain practical knowledge through the science exhibition on 28th February 2023.
 Social Responsibility Activity with VatsalyaMatimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Name of the FacultyDesignationQualificationExperiencePhoto
Dr. Jayashree Muley IQAC Director M.Sc. (Statistics) Ph.D., M.B.A. Finance, Post
Graduate Diploma in
Computer Science
22 years
Dr. Rajeshree Nanaware Program Coordinator M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed., SET, Ph.D15 Years
Dr. Surekha Jogdand Assistant Professor M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.12 years
Dr. Nisha Choudhari Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D7 years#
Dr. Yogesh Jorapur Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D., Postdoc (Japan, S. Korea)
2 yrs. Piramal Discovery
Pharma; 8 yrs Postdoc. Japan/S.
Korea; 2 yrs PG & 6 yrs UG teaching
Dr. Seema Barge Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.5 years
Mrs. Ragini Chavan Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics), Ph.D.(Perusing)11 years
Suruchi S. Somwanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics), M.Sc.(Mathematics),11 years
Dr. Priti Kolhe Assistant ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D.(Environmental Science) 11 years
Mr. Suklal Kumbhar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics),SET10 years
Mr. Rokey Lopes Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Statistics) 4 years
Mrs.Amola Jeure Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Mathematics),B.Ed., SET,5 years
Mrs. Asmita Shrikant Sutar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Statistics) B.Ed. 7 years
Mrs. Shraddha Bhilare Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed.7 years

Mrs.Vishakha Kshirsagar
Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.(Mathematics),B.Ed. 3 years


Computer Science plays a pivotal role in this era of the digital revolution. Its presence in today’s world is ubiquitous. There is a great demand, both in industry and academia, for computer science graduates who have sound knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles of computer science as well as the ability to apply them to solve real-world problems.

The Department of Computer Science trains students to achieve these goals, which enables them to excel in their professional careers, whether in academics, research, or industry. The students study the design of digital hardware and software systems. Computer Science encompasses a wide range of topics like operating systems, computer architecture, computer networks, Mobile Computing, artificial intelligence and Software Engineering.

Objectives of Computer Science Department:

1. Possess practical and theoretical knowledge of computer science sufficient to earn a living and contribute to the development of the country.
2. Be prepared for advanced education in computer science.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems.
4. Advance the state−of−the−art in computer science and software engineering through the achievement of fundamental advances, testing these advances through their application to hard problems.
5. Instruct undergraduate and Post -Graduate students in the state−of−the−art scientific and engineering methods pertinent to computer science and software engineering in order to lead students to a point of understanding where they remain inquisitive, serious, ethical, and creative problem solvers.
6. Be engaged in local, regional, and state social and economic development for the benefit of both the public and private sectors.

  • ‘Take-Flight ‘ -Induction Programme for Fresher’s
  • Industry and Excursion Tours
  • Corporate Week sessions by Industry Experts
  • Ph.D. /NET/SET qualified and approved faculty members with corporate exposure
  • Placement of Students with top companies
  • Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on.
  • National Level , State Level Seminars and Workshop , Quiz are organised.
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts to update the
    current trend
  • Start-up are encouraged for students to get the practical exposure.
    Student Mentor -Mentee system.
  • Student Earn and Learn scheme.
  • Various Departmental activities like Brainc Blossom , Vitamin C, Wasted
    Potential,Touch of Ink , Brian-O-Fest , Slide -o-Geek, C-Zommbie . Techintellect ,etc
  • Remedial lectures are conducted.
  • Computer Science Association is established to nurture the student’s talent and

Open Sources :
C, php, java, netbeans, postgresql, wamp, open GL on linux platform.


  • Industrial Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    a. Cotton King
    b. Peppermint
    c. Nanadan Dairy
    d. SusGarments Artisan garments
  • Start up activities
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School
  • Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Curricular activity :

  • Conducted Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Cyber Security & CPMA.
  • Workshop on software development.

Co- Curricular activity :

  • National Level Conference.
  • “Bits Bytes In IT “ & “ Recent Trends in IT.
  • State Level Seminar In Statistics.
  • State Level Seminar In Electronic.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counseling & Mentoring.
  • Hands-On Industrial Training Visits .
  • Guest Lecture Series.
  • Sports Day.

Extra-curricular activity :

  • Alumni Engagement & Take Flight.
  • Live Project Trainings.
  • Entrepreneurship Development.
  • Departmental Activities (Techphilphia , Electrofest ,Mathstract ,Brain-o –Fest ).
  • Teacher Day Celebrations.
  • Notice board.
  • Parent’s meeting.

Social concern :
Skill Development Trainings.

Faculty Achievement:

Student Achievement:


Computer Science plays a pivotal role in this era of the digital revolution. Its presence in today’s world is ubiquitous. There is a great demand, both in industry and academia, for computer science graduates who have sound knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles of computer science as well as the ability to apply them to solve real-world problems.

The Department of Computer Science trains students to achieve these goals, which enables them to excel in their professional careers, whether in academics, research, or industry. The students study the design of digital hardware and software systems. Computer Science encompasses a wide range of topics like operating systems, computer architecture, computer networks, Mobile Computing, artificial intelligence and Software Engineering.

Objectives of Computer Science Department:

1. Possess practical and theoretical knowledge of computer science sufficient to earn a living and contribute to the development of the country.
2. Be prepared for advanced education in computer science.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems.
4. Advance the state−of−the−art in computer science and software engineering through the achievement of fundamental advances, testing these advances through their application to hard problems.
5. Instruct undergraduate and Post -Graduate students in the state−of−the−art scientific and engineering methods pertinent to computer science and software engineering in order to lead students to a point of understanding where they remain inquisitive, serious, ethical, and creative problem solvers.
6. Be engaged in local, regional, and state social and economic development for the benefit of both the public and private sectors.

  • ‘Take-Flight ‘ -Induction Programme for Fresher’s
  • Industry and Excursion Tours
  • Corporate Week sessions by Industry Experts
  • Ph.D. /NET/SET qualified and approved faculty members with corporate exposure
  • Placement of Students with top companies
  • Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on.
  • National Level , State Level Seminars and Workshop , Quiz are organised.
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts to update the
    current trend
  • Start-up are encouraged for students to get the practical exposure.
    Student Mentor -Mentee system.
  • Student Earn and Learn scheme.
  • Various Departmental activities like Brainc Blossom , Vitamin C, Wasted
    Potential,Touch of Ink , Brian-O-Fest , Slide -o-Geek, C-Zommbie . Techintellect ,etc
  • Remedial lectures are conducted.
  • Computer Science Association is established to nurture the student’s talent and

Open Sources :
C, php, java, netbeans, postgresql, wamp, open GL on linux platform.


  • Industrial Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    a. Cotton King
    b. Peppermint
    c. Nanadan Dairy
    d. SusGarments Artisan garments
  • Start up activities
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School
  • Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

BSC (Computer Science)


BSC Computer Science(Electronic Science)


BSC Computer Science(Mathematics)


BSC Computer Science(Statistics)

Curricular activity :

  • Conducted Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Cyber Security & CPMA.
  • Workshop on software development.

Co- Curricular activity :

  • National Level Conference.
  • “Bits Bytes In IT “ & “ Recent Trends in IT.
  • State Level Seminar In Statistics.
  • State Level Seminar In Electronic.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counseling & Mentoring.
  • Hands-On Industrial Training Visits .
  • Guest Lecture Series.
  • Sports Day.

Extra-curricular activity :

  • Alumni Engagement & Take Flight.
  • Live Project Trainings.
  • Entrepreneurship Development.
  • Departmental Activities (Techphilphia , Electrofest ,Mathstract ,Brain-o –Fest ).
  • Teacher Day Celebrations.
  • Notice board.
  • Parent’s meeting.

Social concern :
Skill Development Trainings.

Faculty Achievement:

Student Achievement:

Establishment / Milestones 

Cyber and Digital Science is a niche subject of modern studies which will prepare students for professional work in business and industry, as well as government and law enforcement.

Students will gain insights into the design of digital technologies, and the policy challenges of deploying such technologies, with broad-based training that will draw from computer science, engineering, research methods, management, economics, and other social sciences.


  • To strengthen the basics of the subject useful in selecting various career options. 
  • To make students aware of cyber-crime, cyber security and learn ways to handle them. 
  • To produce entrepreneurs who can work in the area of Cyber and Digital Forensics. 


  • 3 Years Bachelor Degree 
  • Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University 
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff. 
  • Specialized Degree with Promise of Global Career 
  • Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on 
  • Focused Practical Training 
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.  
  • Industry-Academia Extension Lectures 
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts. 
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills. 
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students. 
  • The faculty member   provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems. 
  • Earn and Learn scheme 

IT Resources: 


Sr. No. 


Total No of License 


Antivirus Software: Quick heal Seqrite for Windows 

Admin Console 500/- Copies 2 



Campus Agreement 3 


 Linux Kali  


Open Sources 


 Physical Facilities: 

Physical Facilities 

1. No. of IT enabled classrooms: 2 

2. No. of laboratories: 3 

3. T3 (Capacity – 40) 

4. T14 Lab (Capacity – 40) 

5. S4 Lab (Capacity – 40) 

6. Electronic Lab (Capacity – 40) 


  • Guest Lectures 
  •  Workshops/seminars 
  •  Days Celebration 
  •  Intra-Collegiate and Inter-collegiate Competitions 
  • Student Achievements in AY 2022-23:  
    • Ms. Kalyani Chavan from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) participated in LOGO Competition and won First prize in  Intra-Collegiate Competition. 
    • Mr. Dhanraj Lugade from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) participated in LOGO Competition and won Third prize in  Intra-Collegiate Competition. 
    • Ms. Bhagyashree Dudhbhate from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) won Cyber Warrior Award by Quick Heal Foundation. 
    • Ms. Ganga Sutar and Ms. Sinori Puranik, students of F.Y.B.Sc(CDS) won the Second and Third prize in Mathematical Model/ poster Competition organized by Department of Mathematics 
    • Ms. Sanskriti Thorat  from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) secure 2nd Rank in Python Add-on Course conducted by SCSS`s Rajashri Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous),Latur. 
    • Ms. Mitusha Patil student of F.Y.B.Sc(CDS) won the 3rd Prize in Eassy Competition conducted by NSS. 
Name Of Faculty
Mrs. Dipali L. Mahajan Program Coordinator M.Sc. (C.S.) SET16 Years
Dr. Aparna JoshiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.(C.S), B.Ed, SET, Ph.D. 19 Years
Mrs. Neeta Gatkal Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Electronics) NET15 Years
Dr Anuradha Ghodke Assistant ProfessorMA MPhil PhD (English)16+ Years
Mrs. Prajakta A Yeole Assistant ProfessorMCA1 Year
Mrs. Madhuri Chaudhari Assistant ProfessorMCA, Pursuing Ph.D 10+ Years
Mrs. Mayura Sawant Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 9 Years
Ms. Shivani S Tikone Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 2 Years
Mrs. Pallavi Suryawanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 8+ Years
Mrs. Pallavi Patil Assistant ProfessorMCA4.5 Years
Ms. Kanchan Patil Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (CS)1.4 Years

Establishment / Milestones 

Cyber and Digital Science is a niche subject of modern studies which will prepare students for professional work in business and industry, as well as government and law enforcement.

Students will gain insights into the design of digital technologies, and the policy challenges of deploying such technologies, with broad-based training that will draw from computer science, engineering, research methods, management, economics, and other social sciences.


  • To strengthen the basics of the subject useful in selecting various career options. 
  • To make students aware of cyber-crime, cyber security and learn ways to handle them. 
  • To produce entrepreneurs who can work in the area of Cyber and Digital Forensics. 


  • 3 Years Bachelor Degree 
  • Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University 
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff. 
  • Specialized Degree with Promise of Global Career 
  • Focus on Experiential Learning in the form of field visit, project and so on 
  • Focused Practical Training 
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.  
  • Industry-Academia Extension Lectures 
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts. 
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills. 
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students. 
  • The faculty member   provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems. 
  • Earn and Learn scheme 

IT Resources: 


Sr. No. 


Total No of License 


Antivirus Software: Quick heal Seqrite for Windows 

Admin Console 500/- Copies 2 



Campus Agreement 3 


 Linux Kali  


Open Sources 


 Physical Facilities: 

Physical Facilities 

1. No. of IT enabled classrooms: 2 

2. No. of laboratories: 3 

3. T3 (Capacity – 40) 

4. T14 Lab (Capacity – 40) 

5. S4 Lab (Capacity – 40) 

6. Electronic Lab (Capacity – 40) 


  • Guest Lectures 
  •  Workshops/seminars 
  •  Days Celebration 
  •  Intra-Collegiate and Inter-collegiate Competitions 
  • Student Achievements in AY 2022-23:  
    • Ms. Kalyani Chavan from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) participated in LOGO Competition and won First prize in  Intra-Collegiate Competition. 
    • Mr. Dhanraj Lugade from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) participated in LOGO Competition and won Third prize in  Intra-Collegiate Competition. 
    • Ms. Bhagyashree Dudhbhate from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) won Cyber Warrior Award by Quick Heal Foundation. 
    • Ms. Ganga Sutar and Ms. Sinori Puranik, students of F.Y.B.Sc(CDS) won the Second and Third prize in Mathematical Model/ poster Competition organized by Department of Mathematics 
    • Ms. Sanskriti Thorat  from F.Y B.Sc(CDS) secure 2nd Rank in Python Add-on Course conducted by SCSS`s Rajashri Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous),Latur. 
    • Ms. Mitusha Patil student of F.Y.B.Sc(CDS) won the 3rd Prize in Eassy Competition conducted by NSS. 
Name Of Faculty
Mrs. Dipali L. Mahajan Program Coordinator M.Sc. (C.S.) SET16 Years
Dr. Aparna JoshiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.(C.S), B.Ed, SET, Ph.D. 19 Years
Mrs. Neeta Gatkal Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Electronics) NET15 Years
Dr Anuradha Ghodke Assistant ProfessorMA MPhil PhD (English)16+ Years
Mrs. Prajakta A Yeole Assistant ProfessorMCA1 Year
Mrs. Madhuri Chaudhari Assistant ProfessorMCA, Pursuing Ph.D 10+ Years
Mrs. Mayura Sawant Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 9 Years
Ms. Shivani S Tikone Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 2 Years
Mrs. Pallavi Suryawanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 8+ Years
Mrs. Pallavi Patil Assistant ProfessorMCA4.5 Years
Ms. Kanchan Patil Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (CS)1.4 Years


The B.Sc. (Information Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) (Honors/Research) is specially structured three and four years program respectively with Information Technology as a major subject under the faculty of Science and Technology. 

The objective of the course is to think analytically, creatively and critically in developing robust, extensible and highly maintainable technological solutions to simple and complex problems or to pursue advance studies and research in Information Technology. The syllabus which comprises of Information Technology (Major) subject along with that of three allied subjects (Mathematics, Electronics, Statistics) (Minor) covers the key aspects of Information technology and also develops the necessary professional skills and problem solving abilities using Information Technology.



Information Technology is the study of quantity, structure, space and change, focusing on problem solving, application development with wider scope of application in science and technology, social sciences etc. throughout the world in last couple of decades and it has carved out a space for itself like any other disciplines of basic Science and Technology. 

The Students completing this programme will be able to present software application clearly and precisely, make abstract ideas precise by formulating them in the computer languages. Completion of this programme will also enable the learners to join teaching profession, enhance their employability for government jobs, jobs in software industry, banking, insurance and investment sectors, data analyst jobs and jobs in various other public and private enterprises.

At the First year, course is based on problem solving and programming along with Designing and Development Skills. Primary Concepts of C Programming, Python, Database and Computer Networking are also introduced in course. The practical courses are designed to support the theoretical training in the year. 

Along with Information Technology (Major), VSC and SEC courses helps in building a personality. Another Aspect of this course is IKS which tells about the rich heritage and advancement of India in the field of computation.

At the second year, computational problem solving skills are further strengthened by course in Data Structure using python. Object Oriented Programming using Java and Programming Concepts in Database Management System are also introduced in this year.

At the third year, all the courses are designed to fulfill core Information technology requirements as well as the needs of the IT industry. Major elective courses are taking care of recent trends in the field of Information Technology. 

Minor and skills Enhancement courses enable the students to acquire additional skills.

At the fourth year (Honors) and (Research), all the subjects are designed to fulfill core Information Technology requirements as well as meet the needs of the IT industry. 

Practical courses and field projects enable students to get hands on training. Numerous learning tracks are open through major elective courses. Research Methodology course will create interest among a student to bring research in the field of Information Technology.


  • Equip students with the knowledge and skills to design, implement, and manage computer networks, ensuring secure and efficient communication.
  • To apply their knowledge and skills to be employed and excel in IT professional careers and/or to continue their education in IT and/or related Post Graduate programs.
  • It enables an IT graduate to start their own Software Development Company.
  • To make the students industry ready by teaching them to apply the technologies in various fields of IT, including Mobile applications, Web site Development and Management, Databases, and Computer Networks.


  • Higher secondary school certificate (10+2) Science or its equivalent examination with English.


  • Three-year diploma course from the board of technical education conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.


  • Higher secondary school certificate (10+2) Examination with English and a vocational subject of +2 level (MCVC)

PO No.



Analyses a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution


Focuses on preparing students for roles pertaining to computer

applications and IT industry


Developing programming skills, networking skills, learn applications, programming languages and modern techniques of IT


Get skills and information about computers and information technology


Learn programming languages such as C, Python, Java, HTML, PHP, SQL, etc.


Information about various computer applications and latest development in IT.


Gives overview of the topics in IT like networking, computer graphics, web development, trouble shooting, and hardware and software skills.


Ability to select appropriate techniques to tackle and solve problems in the discipline of Information Technology.


Name Of Faculty
Mrs. Dipali L. Mahajan Program Coordinator M.Sc. (C.S.) SET16 Years
Dr Anuradha Ghodke Assistant ProfessorMA MPhil PhD (English)16+ Years
Mrs. Prajakta A Yeole Assistant ProfessorMCA1 Year
Ms. Shivani S Tikone Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 2 Years
Mrs. Pallavi Suryawanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 8+ Years
Mrs. Pallavi Patil Assistant ProfessorMCA4.5 Years
Ms. Kanchan Patil Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (CS)1.4 Years


The B.Sc. (Information Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) (Honors/Research) is specially structured three and four years program respectively with Information Technology as a major subject under the faculty of Science and Technology. 

The objective of the course is to think analytically, creatively and critically in developing robust, extensible and highly maintainable technological solutions to simple and complex problems or to pursue advance studies and research in Information Technology. The syllabus which comprises of Information Technology (Major) subject along with that of three allied subjects (Mathematics, Electronics, Statistics) (Minor) covers the key aspects of Information technology and also develops the necessary professional skills and problem solving abilities using Information Technology.



Information Technology is the study of quantity, structure, space and change, focusing on problem solving, application development with wider scope of application in science and technology, social sciences etc. throughout the world in last couple of decades and it has carved out a space for itself like any other disciplines of basic Science and Technology. 

The Students completing this programme will be able to present software application clearly and precisely, make abstract ideas precise by formulating them in the computer languages. Completion of this programme will also enable the learners to join teaching profession, enhance their employability for government jobs, jobs in software industry, banking, insurance and investment sectors, data analyst jobs and jobs in various other public and private enterprises.

At the First year, course is based on problem solving and programming along with Designing and Development Skills. Primary Concepts of C Programming, Python, Database and Computer Networking are also introduced in course. The practical courses are designed to support the theoretical training in the year. 

Along with Information Technology (Major), VSC and SEC courses helps in building a personality. Another Aspect of this course is IKS which tells about the rich heritage and advancement of India in the field of computation.

At the second year, computational problem solving skills are further strengthened by course in Data Structure using python. Object Oriented Programming using Java and Programming Concepts in Database Management System are also introduced in this year.

At the third year, all the courses are designed to fulfill core Information technology requirements as well as the needs of the IT industry. Major elective courses are taking care of recent trends in the field of Information Technology. 

Minor and skills Enhancement courses enable the students to acquire additional skills.

At the fourth year (Honors) and (Research), all the subjects are designed to fulfill core Information Technology requirements as well as meet the needs of the IT industry. 

Practical courses and field projects enable students to get hands on training. Numerous learning tracks are open through major elective courses. Research Methodology course will create interest among a student to bring research in the field of Information Technology.


  • Equip students with the knowledge and skills to design, implement, and manage computer networks, ensuring secure and efficient communication.
  • To apply their knowledge and skills to be employed and excel in IT professional careers and/or to continue their education in IT and/or related Post Graduate programs.
  • It enables an IT graduate to start their own Software Development Company.
  • To make the students industry ready by teaching them to apply the technologies in various fields of IT, including Mobile applications, Web site Development and Management, Databases, and Computer Networks.


  • Higher secondary school certificate (10+2) Science or its equivalent examination with English.


  • Three-year diploma course from the board of technical education conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.


  • Higher secondary school certificate (10+2) Examination with English and a vocational subject of +2 level (MCVC)

PO No.



Analyses a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution


Focuses on preparing students for roles pertaining to computer

applications and IT industry


Developing programming skills, networking skills, learn applications, programming languages and modern techniques of IT


Get skills and information about computers and information technology


Learn programming languages such as C, Python, Java, HTML, PHP, SQL, etc.


Information about various computer applications and latest development in IT.


Gives overview of the topics in IT like networking, computer graphics, web development, trouble shooting, and hardware and software skills.


Ability to select appropriate techniques to tackle and solve problems in the discipline of Information Technology.


Name Of Faculty
Mrs. Dipali L. Mahajan Program Coordinator M.Sc. (C.S.) SET16 Years
Dr Anuradha Ghodke Assistant ProfessorMA MPhil PhD (English)16+ Years
Mrs. Prajakta A Yeole Assistant ProfessorMCA1 Year
Ms. Shivani S Tikone Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 2 Years
Mrs. Pallavi Suryawanshi Assistant ProfessorM.Sc(CS) 8+ Years
Mrs. Pallavi Patil Assistant ProfessorMCA4.5 Years
Ms. Kanchan Patil Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. (CS)1.4 Years

BSc. in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is a six-semester course: Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is an undergraduate course. Basically, Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on a molecular and atomic scale. It generally deals with structures with at least one dimension between one to a hundred nanometres and involves developing materials or technologies with at least one dimension within that scale. In the quantum domain, quantum mechanical effects are extremely relevant at this size. Nanotechnology encompasses a wide range of activities, from extending traditional device physics to new ways based on molecular self-assembly, from discovering novel nanoscale materials to determining if we can directly manipulate matter at the atomic scale.

Scope in India: Nanotechnology has ramifications in India in the fields of telecommunications, computing, aircraft, solar energy, and the environment. Nanotech’s primary contribution, on the other hand, may be observed in the fields of computers, communication, and medicine. The most important area of Nanotechnology is Nanomedicine.

  • The main objective is to educate students with fundamental and applied themes in nanoscience and technology, preparing them to contribute through long-term academic and professional activities.
  • Students will be trained and molded to do cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary fields of experimental and computational nanotechnology.
  • The curriculum aims to give in-depth knowledge of fundamental areas of nanoscience and technology, with a focus on nanoscale synthesis, visualization, and manipulation. It is anticipated that students will be prepared for positions in the nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, and nanoelectronics industries. Faculty from the Chemistry and Physics Departments will teach the classes. Furthermore, guest lecturers from industry and academia will be recruited regularly to provide a broader perspective on the subject while keeping current industry requirements in mind.

General examination pattern: Generally, students are evaluated based on lab exercises, assignments, small projects, mid-semester examinations, and end-semester examinations.

  • Research, development and innovation in industries based on new scientific and technical knowledge (biotechnology, microelectronics, telecommunications, energy storage, new materials, etc.) and also in innovative traditional industries (chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biomedicine, ceramics, textiles, etc.)
  • Management, control and strategic planning of nanotechnological techniques, processes and products in the industries of electronics, telecommunications, biomedicine, biotechnology, pharmacology, etc.

BSc. in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is a six-semester course: Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is an undergraduate course. Basically, Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on a molecular and atomic scale. It generally deals with structures with at least one dimension between one to a hundred nanometres and involves developing materials or technologies with at least one dimension within that scale. In the quantum domain, quantum mechanical effects are extremely relevant at this size. Nanotechnology encompasses a wide range of activities, from extending traditional device physics to new ways based on molecular self-assembly, from discovering novel nanoscale materials to determining if we can directly manipulate matter at the atomic scale.

Scope in India: Nanotechnology has ramifications in India in the fields of telecommunications, computing, aircraft, solar energy, and the environment. Nanotech’s primary contribution, on the other hand, may be observed in the fields of computers, communication, and medicine. The most important area of Nanotechnology is Nanomedicine.

  • The main objective is to educate students with fundamental and applied themes in nanoscience and technology, preparing them to contribute through long-term academic and professional activities.
  • Students will be trained and molded to do cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary fields of experimental and computational nanotechnology.
  • The curriculum aims to give in-depth knowledge of fundamental areas of nanoscience and technology, with a focus on nanoscale synthesis, visualization, and manipulation. It is anticipated that students will be prepared for positions in the nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, and nanoelectronics industries. Faculty from the Chemistry and Physics Departments will teach the classes. Furthermore, guest lecturers from industry and academia will be recruited regularly to provide a broader perspective on the subject while keeping current industry requirements in mind.

General examination pattern: Generally, students are evaluated based on lab exercises, assignments, small projects, mid-semester examinations, and end-semester examinations.

  • Research, development and innovation in industries based on new scientific and technical knowledge (biotechnology, microelectronics, telecommunications, energy storage, new materials, etc.) and also in innovative traditional industries (chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biomedicine, ceramics, textiles, etc.)
  • Management, control and strategic planning of nanotechnological techniques, processes and products in the industries of electronics, telecommunications, biomedicine, biotechnology, pharmacology, etc.

  • Post graduation degree added in the department from year 2009 with initial intake 30.
  • Currently department has 90 intake for M.S.c Computer Science.
  • Our departmental tree has grown to hold 174 students.
  • To devlop problem solving abilities using computer
  • To build the necessary skill set and analytical abilities for devloping computer based solution for real life problem
  • To train students in professional skills related to software industry
  • To Prepare nessary knowlage based for reasearch and devlopment in computer science
  • To help students build-up a successful career in computer science and to procedure enterpreneurs who can innovate and
    devlope software products
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students. The faculty member
    provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem
    with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.

IT Resources

Open Sources :
C, php, java, netbeans, postgresql, wamp, open GL on linux platform.

Hardware :

  • Vivek Vahini (Science Association)
  • RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
  • Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
  • Learning through Statistical games
  • Listing of plant species in Campus
  • Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    • Satara- Ajiyankya tara sugar Institute
    • Botanical Survey of India, Pune regional Office.
    • Gipsom Garden, Naneghat
    • Onion Garlic Research Institute, Rajgurunagar, Pune.
    • Mamta Milk Dairy PVT. Ltd.
    • Agriculture College, Shivajinagar, Pune.
    • Malavali, Lonavala – Biodiversity Study
    • Vasantdada sugar institute Manjari
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Programmes & Courses Outcomes Click Here

Curricular activity :

  • Conducted Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Cyber Security & CPMA.
  • Workshop on software development.

Co- Curricular activity :

  • National Level Conference.
  • “Bits Bytes In IT “ &
  • “ Recent Trends in IT.
  • State Level Seminar In Statistics.
  • State Level Seminar In Electronic.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counseling & Mentoring.
  • Hands-On Industrial Training Visits .
  • Guest Lecture Series.
  • Sports Day.

Extra-curricular activity :

  • Alumni Engagement & Take Flight.
  • Live Project Trainings.
  • Entrepreneurship Development.
  • Departmental Activities (Techphilphia , Electrofest ,Mathstract ,Brain-o –Fest ).
  • Teacher Day Celebrations.
  • Notice board.
  • Parent’s meeting.

Social concern :

  • Skill Development Trainings.

Faculty Achievements:

Students Achievements:

  • Post graduation degree added in the department from year 2009 with initial intake 30.
  • Currently department has 90 intake for M.S.c Computer Science.
  • Our departmental tree has grown to hold 174 students.
  • To devlop problem solving abilities using computer
  • To build the necessary skill set and analytical abilities for devloping computer based solution for real life problem
  • To train students in professional skills related to software industry
  • To Prepare nessary knowlage based for reasearch and devlopment in computer science
  • To help students build-up a successful career in computer science and to procedure enterpreneurs who can innovate and
    devlope software products
  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students. The faculty member
    provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem
    with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.

IT Resources

Open Sources :
C, php, java, netbeans, postgresql, wamp, open GL on linux platform.

Hardware :

  • Vivek Vahini (Science Association)
  • RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
  • Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
  • Learning through Statistical games
  • Listing of plant species in Campus
  • Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    • Satara- Ajiyankya tara sugar Institute
    • Botanical Survey of India, Pune regional Office.
    • Gipsom Garden, Naneghat
    • Onion Garlic Research Institute, Rajgurunagar, Pune.
    • Mamta Milk Dairy PVT. Ltd.
    • Agriculture College, Shivajinagar, Pune.
    • Malavali, Lonavala – Biodiversity Study
    • Vasantdada sugar institute Manjari
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Programmes & Courses Outcomes Click Here

Curricular activity :

  • Conducted Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Cyber Security & CPMA.
  • Workshop on software development.

Co- Curricular activity :

  • National Level Conference.
  • “Bits Bytes In IT “ &
  • “ Recent Trends in IT.
  • State Level Seminar In Statistics.
  • State Level Seminar In Electronic.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counseling & Mentoring.
  • Hands-On Industrial Training Visits .
  • Guest Lecture Series.
  • Sports Day.

Extra-curricular activity :

  • Alumni Engagement & Take Flight.
  • Live Project Trainings.
  • Entrepreneurship Development.
  • Departmental Activities (Techphilphia , Electrofest ,Mathstract ,Brain-o –Fest ).
  • Teacher Day Celebrations.
  • Notice board.
  • Parent’s meeting.

Social concern :

  • Skill Development Trainings.

Faculty Achievements:

Students Achievements:

Establishment / Milestones:

  • This department is established in the year 2022.
  • The current strength of this department is 31 students.
  • M.Sc. (Computer Applications) Program is of Two Years duration with four semesters. 

post graduate Degree Program. The program is based on credit system comprising of total 88 credit points.


A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent for student belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging to the Reserved Category.


  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.
  • The faculty member provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


The objective of the Program is to produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle challenges in IT industry. The objectives of M.Sc. (Computer Applications) program are: –

  • To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.
  • To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex
  • Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.

Course Outcomes:

View Document ->

Program Outcomes:

View Document ->


C++, php, java, netbeans, Weka, Software Testing , Selenium, Android, Web Services, Python, Django, IOT, Artificial Intelligence


Lab No.


No. of PCs





Lab I

815.34 Sq.ft





Lab II

780.89 sq.ft.





Pentium 4


648sq. Ft.





Intel P4

Lab IV






Intel Dual Core

Lab V






i5 4th Generation

Kaleidoscope Club

Kaleidoscope club established in 2021-22 for Department of BCA(Science) & MSc(CA). Students Register to work as volunteers of this club to make every event gracefully successful. It helps students to work as a team which is one of the most essential factor to make them future ready. This club helps them to know about themselves, their strengths, and their goals in better manner and also motivates them to serve.

Through this club we motivate them to meet, mix, and collaborate with other students from different backgrounds in a different environment. The aim is to pull out students from their comfort zone and encourage them to find out their hidden skills. Different activities such as Day Celebration, Departmental Competitions Guest Lectures and so on are organized for students to get them identify their hidden talents and engulf multitasking skills required to serve for welfare of the nation.

Curricular activity:

  • Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Departmental Competitions

Co-Curricular activity:

  • State or National Level Conference/Seminar/Webinar.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counselling & Mentoring.
  • Guest Lectures series /workshops on recent IT trends related to academics .
  • Sports Day Celebration.
  • Cultural Fest
  • Field and Industry visit
  • Skill Development Trainings.
  • Birth and Death anniversary and Famous day celebrations.
  • Special Attractions : PRAGYAN 1.O and VIGYAAN 2024 ( Different Competitions).

Establishment / Milestones:

  • This department is established in the year 2022.
  • The current strength of this department is 31 students.
  • M.Sc. (Computer Applications) Program is of Two Years duration with four semesters. 

post graduate Degree Program. The program is based on credit system comprising of total 88 credit points.


A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent for student belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging to the Reserved Category.


  • Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.
  • Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.
  • Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts.
  • Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.
  • Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.
  • Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.
  • The faculty member provides constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


The objective of the Program is to produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle challenges in IT industry. The objectives of M.Sc. (Computer Applications) program are: –

  • To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.
  • To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex
  • Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.


C++, php, java, netbeans, Weka, Software Testing , Selenium, Android, Web Services, Python, Django, IOT, Artificial Intelligence


Lab No.


No. of PCs





Lab I

815.34 Sq.ft





Lab II

780.89 sq.ft.





Pentium 4


648sq. Ft.





Intel P4

Lab IV






Intel Dual Core

Lab V






i5 4th Generation

  • Vivek Vahini (Science Association)
  • RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
  • Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
  • Learning through Statistical games
  • Listing of plant species in Campus
  • Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    • Satara- Ajiyankya tara sugar Institute
    • Botanical Survey of India, Pune regional Office.
    • Gipsom Garden, Naneghat
    • Onion Garlic Research Institute, Rajgurunagar, Pune.
    • Mamta Milk Dairy PVT. Ltd.
    • Agriculture College, Shivajinagar, Pune.
    • Malavali, Lonavala – Biodiversity Study
    • Vasantdada sugar institute Manjari
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

S.NoPhotoName and Qualification of faculty
1Ms.Suvarna GogateB.Sc.(CS), MCA, P.h.D. Perusing 
2Ms. Rutuja ChavanB.Sc., MCA, MCM,  Ph.D Perusing
3Ms. Jayshree KambleB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.),  Ph.D Perusing
4Ms. Varsha ThakareB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.)
5Ms. Nikita BhamareB.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(C.S.)
6Ms. Gouramma KadadiBCA, MCA
7Ms. Snehal MohiteB.E(Comp Sci)
8Ms. Madhuri GandhiBCA, MCA(Commerce)
9Ms. Priti KarajkhedeBCA, MCA, SET
10Ms. Rashmi PimparkarBCA, M.Sc.(C.S.)
11Ms. Netra ArilikittiB.E.(CS),M.Sc.(C.S.) B.Ed

Curricular activity:

  • Remedial / Bridge course.
  • Departmental Competitions

Co-Curricular activity:

  • State or National Level Conference/Seminar/Webinar.
  • Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.
  • Career Counselling & Mentoring.
  • Guest Lectures series /workshops on recent IT trends related to academics .
  • Sports Day Celebration.
  • Cultural Fest
  • Field and Industry visit
  • Skill Development Trainings.
  • Birth and Death anniversary and Famous day celebrations.
  • Special Attractions : PRAGYAN 1.O and VIGYAAN 2024 ( Different Competitions).

Establishment / Milestones:

Two Year Post graduation Degree Course, M.Sc(Computer Applications)was introduced in the Department from year 2022-23with initial intake 30.


•To produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle software challenges in industry as well as academia.

•To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.

•To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.

•To produce entrepreneurs.


A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent forstudent belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging tothe Reserved Category.


•Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.

•Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.

•Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts. Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.

•Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.

•The faculty membersprovide constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


C++, php, java, netbeans, Weka,Software Testing , Selenium,Android,Web Services, Python, Django, IOT, Artificial Intelligence


Lab No. 


No. of PCs 





Lab I 

815.34 Sq.ft 






Lab II 

780.89 sq.ft. 





Pentium 4 

Lab III 

648sq. Ft. 





Intel P4 

Lab IV 






Intel Dual Core 

Lab V 






i5 4th Generation 

  • Vivek Vahini (Science Association)
  • RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
  • Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
  • Learning through Statistical games
  • Listing of plant species in Campus
  • Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    • Satara- Ajiyankya tara sugar Institute
    • Botanical Survey of India, Pune regional Office.
    • Gipsom Garden, Naneghat
    • Onion Garlic Research Institute, Rajgurunagar, Pune.
    • Mamta Milk Dairy PVT. Ltd.
    • Agriculture College, Shivajinagar, Pune.
    • Malavali, Lonavala – Biodiversity Study
    • Vasantdada sugar institute Manjari
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Curricular activity:

•Remedial / Bridge course.

•Departmental Competitions

Co-Curricular activity:

•State or National Level Conference/Webinar.

•Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.

•Career Counselling & Mentoring.

•Guest Lectures series /workshops on recent IT trends.

•Sports DayCelebration.Social concern:

•Skill Development Trainings.

Establishment / Milestones:

Two Year Post graduation Degree Course, M.Sc(Computer Applications)was introduced in the Department from year 2022-23with initial intake 30.


•To produce trained software professionals with hands-on experience on state-of-the art technologies who will be able to handle software challenges in industry as well as academia.

•To produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources that is employable in IT and ITES.

•To impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building Complex Application Software Systems as well as to provide support for automated systems or applications.

•To produce entrepreneurs.


A Bachelor Degree in Science/Technology/Engineering with minimum 50% marks or equivalent forstudent belonging to Unreserved Category and minimum 45% or equivalent for students belonging tothe Reserved Category.


•Excellent Infrastructure with spacious class rooms, computer laboratory.

•Highly qualified, experienced & approved staff.

•Seminars and Guest Lectures by Industrialists and subject experts. Technical & Non-technical program are arranged to enhance the IT & soft skills.

•Project Guidance by alumni’s and industrialists.Student mentoring system for giving personal touch to each of the students.

•The faculty membersprovide constant support and every piece of advice to the students whenever he/she faces a problem with any aspect of the curriculum or any personal problems.


C++, php, java, netbeans, Weka,Software Testing , Selenium,Android,Web Services, Python, Django, IOT, Artificial Intelligence


Lab No. 


No. of PCs 





Lab I 

815.34 Sq.ft 






Lab II 

780.89 sq.ft. 





Pentium 4 

Lab III 

648sq. Ft. 





Intel P4 

Lab IV 






Intel Dual Core 

Lab V 






i5 4th Generation 

  • Vivek Vahini (Science Association)
  • RBPT (Research Based Pedagogical Tools)
  • Social responsibility – No Vehicle Day
  • Learning through Statistical games
  • Listing of plant species in Campus
  • Industrial Visit/ Field Visit to esteem organizations, to provide practical knowledge to students like
    • Satara- Ajiyankya tara sugar Institute
    • Botanical Survey of India, Pune regional Office.
    • Gipsom Garden, Naneghat
    • Onion Garlic Research Institute, Rajgurunagar, Pune.
    • Mamta Milk Dairy PVT. Ltd.
    • Agriculture College, Shivajinagar, Pune.
    • Malavali, Lonavala – Biodiversity Study
    • Vasantdada sugar institute Manjari
  • Social Responsibility Activity with Vatsalya Matimand School Every year during Diwali. we help to sells Diwali Diyas at college premises made by Physically challenged students.

Curricular activity:

•Remedial / Bridge course.

•Departmental Competitions

Co-Curricular activity:

•State or National Level Conference/Webinar.

•Soft –Skills & Personality Development Programs.

•Career Counselling & Mentoring.

•Guest Lectures series /workshops on recent IT trends.

•Sports DayCelebration.Social concern:

•Skill Development Trainings.


The Department of Chemistry of ‘PRATIBHA’ (Affiliation SPPU) aims at developing young talent for the chemical industry and academia. The curriculum is developed in such a way that the students are able to venture into allied fields too. The aim of the department through the courses it offers is to provide “a cut above the rest” man-power to the ever growing demands of the industry and to prepare students for higher studies and research. The interactive method of teaching at ‘PRATIBHA’ (Affiliation SPPU) is to bring about attitudinal changes to future professionals of the industry.

Equal importance is given to practical and theoretical methods of learning apart from experiential and digital modes of learning. Industrial projects form an integral part of the curriculum. Apart from the syllabus, the University emphasizes on Value Addition Programs like Current Affairs, Holistic Education, Certificate Courses and Placement Training Programs, which include training students in group discussions, facing interviews and so on.



The Department of chemistry is one of the dynamic departments at PRATIBHA (Affiliation SPPU), established in 2015. We have a diverse student population with representation from almost all parts of Maharashtra and other states of India. The department is blessed with highly qualified faculty members who are from diverse backgrounds with abroad experience and involved in leading research in different areas of the subject as well as interdisciplinary areas. The curriculum undergoes frequent revision and provides opportunities for projects and joint research with faculty members.

The postgraduate program currently offers opportunities to specialize in organic, analytical, and general chemistry. Apart from curricular subjects, the department provides personality development and society-oriented programs, career guidance, placement, and opportunities to organize and participate in competitions, seminars, and conferences. Our commitment to excellence in teaching and research has helped the students graduated from the department achieve distinction in academia and industry.

Why choose this course?

  • Holistic Foundation in Chemistry
  • Hands-On Laboratory Focus
  • Modern Analytical Techniques
  • Path to Advanced Studies
  • Comprehensive Chemical Foundation


What you will learn?

  • Understand basic concepts in Chemical and biological sciences
  • Apply ethical principles and responsibilities while conducting experimental studies.
  • Demonstrate problem solving, analytical and logical skills to provide solutions for the scientific issues
  • Express proficiency in oral and written communications to appreciate innovations in research.
  • Develop the critical thinking with scientific temper
  • Engage in continuous reflective learning in the context of technological and scientific advancements


Career prospects

  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Research in Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry Researcher
  • Higher education reputed institutes in India and abroad
  • Clinical Laboratory Scientist
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Chemical or Analytical Chemists in Various Industries
  • Quality Control Analyst or Food Technologist
  • Academic Researcher or Science Educator
  • Careers in Patents and IPR
  • Bachelor of Education/Teaching


Job profiles

Research opportunities

Government opportunities

  • Analytical chemist
  • Clinical scientist
  • Color technologist
  • Forensic scientist
  • Food and flavor chemist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Toxicologist
  • Scientist at varies  pharma/chemical/  pesticide companies
  • Academic researcher
  • Research scientist (physical  sciences)
  • Research associate at BPCL, IOCL,


  • Higher Studies PhD Abroad (Full

scholarships at Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Canada and USA)

  • Research Associate/Scientist at


  • Forensic science demonstrator/ scientist at govt. Forensic Labs.
  • Scientist at BARC
  • Faculty position in Government Institutes/ Universities


Objectives of the Program

The UG degree in Chemistry aims to provide:

  • Comprehensive knowledge and coherent understanding of the Chemistry.
  • Knowledge and skills in Chemistry and related interdisciplinary areas thereby enhancing students’ employability /entrepreneurship.
  • In-depth knowledge in Chemistry through understanding of key concepts, principles, theories and their manifestations.
  • Critical and analytical thinking, scientific reasoning, creativity, problem-solving skills, communication skills and teamwork.
  • Competence and skill in solving both theoretical and applied problems.
  • Exposure to the latest advances in Chemistry, allied disciplines and research.
  • Inculcate digital skills in Chemistry and interdisciplinary areas.
  • Moral and ethical awareness, leadership qualities, innovation, and life-long learning.
  • Multicultural and multilingual competence, inclusive spirit, and value education.
  • Responsibility for Community engagement and service.
  1. Programme Outcomes (POs) 

PO No.

PO Statement 

After completing the Master of Science degree students are able to

Knowledge and  Skill


Learn the terms, theories, assumptions,  methods, principles, theorem statements and  classification




Fix out the problem and resolve it using  theories and practical knowledge.

Critical thinking and Problem solving


Inculcate knowledge for carrying projects and  advanced research related skills.

Research related skill


Actively participate in team on case studies  and field-based situations.




Analyze and interpret ideas, evidences and  experiences with learned scientific reasoning

Scientific reasoning


Aware and implement the subject facts that  can be applied for the personal and social  development

Reflective thinking


Use digital literacy to retrieve and evaluate  subject related information

Information/Digitally  literacy


Get moral and ethical values for society as  well as in research

Moral and ethical  



Give analytical reasoning to interpret research  data.

Analytical Reasoning


Improve their managerial skills and abilities in  subject related activities.




Inculcate continuous learning habit through all  available resources.




Name of the FacultyDesignationQualificationExperiencePhoto
Dr. Rajendra KankariyaAdjunct Professor

M. Phil., Ph. D.

M. A., M. Com., LL. M., M. B. A., M. Sc. D.M., M.A. J & MC.

Principal of 3 Colleges-18 years

Registrar of 2 Universities-05 years

Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor-16 years

Professor-18 years

Dr. Yogesh JorapurAssistant Professor

M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D., Postdoc (Japan, S. Korea)


2 yrs. R & D Pharma; 8 years Postdoc. Japan/S.
Korea; 2 years PG &  7 years UG teaching
Dr. Surekha JogdandAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.13 years
Dr. Seema PatilAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.6 years